small-round white International Tae Kwon Do Academy
Master Instructor, Brian Malik
32 Tioga Way Marblehead MA
(781) 631-8504

The 2024-2025 calendar year

Summer Program
June 14 - August 30

First quarter:
September 9 - October 30

No classes October 14 (National Holiday)
No classes Thursday, October 31 - Monday, November 11, Veteran's Day (Vacation)

Second quarter:
November 13 - January 17

No classes November 29-29 (Thanksgiving break)
No classes December 24 - January 7 (Winter Break)
No classes January 20 (MLK Jr. Day)

Third quarter:
January 21 - March 13

No classes Monday, February 17 (Presidents Day)

Fourth quarter:
March 17 - May 9

*Dates may change due to weather or other cancelations.

New students register for a Free Trial.

Class schedule
Most students will have more than one option.

Mondays and Wednesdays

3:30 - 4:20 Beginner / Intermediate White - Purple belts
*This class is for students ages 6-12.
*This is the only option for new students ages 6 and 7.

4:30 - 5:25 Intermediate / Advanced: Purple - Black belts
*This class is for students ages 6-12

Tuesdays and Thursdays

3:30 - 4:20 Beginner White - Orange belts
*This class is for students ages 8 and older.

4:30 - 5:25 Intermediate / Advanced Green - Black belts
*This class is for students ages 8 and older.
*This is the only option for teenaged black belt students.

Tution is: $296 the for each quarter. ($264 for additional family members)

You may pay online with PayPal below, or in person by check.

quarterly tuition
Student's name
Choose days and times

| Home | About | Schedule | Free trial | Register | Belt requirements | TKD.NET |

Weather related cancellations will be posted on our Facebook page.

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